Foto del Dr. Luis Rodríguez Ramos

LUIS RODRÍGUEZ RAMOS                 

Luis Rodríguez Ramos is a professor of Criminal Law, having undertaken several academic roles in the Complutense University of Madrid and the National University of Distance Education.

Author of many studies, compendiums, manuals and scholarly papers on criminal matters and proceedings, has been a member of the Governing Board of the Bar Association of Madrid and has helped write and process draft legislation on criminal law and criminal procedural law, from the 1983 Criminal Code to the more recent drafting of a future code of criminal procedure. He is a member of various associations linked to the theory and practice of criminal law, and has received a range of honorary acknowledgements such as the Medal of Merit for Service to the Legal Profession and the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Raymond of Peñafort.

Foto de D. Gabriel Rodríguez Ramos Ladaria


Lawyer with over twenty years of experience, he holds a PhD in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, a double Bachelor’s Degree in Law and Business Administration from Comillas Pontifical University (ICADE E-3), an Executive MBA from the Instituto de Empresa, and is an expert in rhetoric from the Complutense University of Madrid. He is also certified in COSO ERM by the IIA and is a Compliance Specialist certified by AENOR.

He is a lecturer of Criminal Litigation on the University Master’s Degree in Access to the Legal Profession at Comillas Pontifical University (ICADE), lecturer on the Official Master’s Degree in Economic Criminal Law at the Rey Juan Carlos University, Chair of KPMG Financial and Forensic Investigation and Assistant Director of the journal La Ley Penal.

He has written many scholarly papers and collective works, is co-editor for the reference work Litigación Penal (Bosch Publishing), has been a member of the Governing Board of the Young Lawyers Group of the Bar Association of Madrid -fifth chair-, has received the Medal of Merit for Service to the Legal Profession from the General Council of Spanish Lawyers and is a member of various Governing Boards.

Foto de D. Gabriel Rodríguez Ramos Ladaria


Lawyer and Lieutenant Colonel in the Military Legal Corps (on leave), Diploma of Advanced Studies and Professor of Criminal Litigation, author of renowned papers and leading professional content.

Paula González Bravo de Miguel

Paula González Bravo de Felipe

Lawyer. Dual bachelor’s degree in Law and Business Administration from Carlos III University of Madrid. Master in Criminal and Criminal Procedural Law and Master in Legal Practice, both from Carlos III University of Madrid. She has complemented her education at international universities such as Uppsala University (Sweden) and Bucerius Law School (Germany).



If you specialise in Criminal Law and are interested in a professional career in legal practice or risk consultancy, get in touch with us.